“Jeremy Miles proposes offering parents cookery and reading lessons”

Jeremy Miles pledges to prioritize children's potential if elected as Welsh Labour leader. Promising equal opportunities for all, his vision aims to empower the youth.


Welsh Labour Leadership Candidate Advocates for Parental Lessons

Jeremy Miles’ Vision for Education and Parental Involvement

Jeremy Miles, a contender for the Welsh Labour leadership position, has emphasized the importance of offering cookery and reading lessons to parents to enhance their children’s chances of success. As a candidate aspiring to become the First Minister, he is committed to ensuring that all children in Wales have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. In his current role as the education minister, Miles has spearheaded the implementation of Free School Meals for all primary school students in Wales.

Empowering Working Class Boys

Miles, aged 52, hailing from a working-class background near Swansea, aims to bridge the educational gap for working class boys to align their academic outcomes with those of their peers. He envisions a comprehensive strategy to elevate the results of these students, drawing from his personal experience and determination to support children like himself in realizing their capabilities.

Enhancing School Engagement and Support

In an interview with the Mirror, Miles expressed his advocacy for increased parental involvement in schools, emphasizing the significance of a supportive home environment in shaping children’s achievements. He highlighted the need for schools to foster community engagement, encourage parental participation through activities like cookery lessons and shared reading sessions, and create a stimulating learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds.

Transforming the Education Landscape

Miles has championed curriculum reforms aimed at inspiring and motivating students, particularly those from working class families who historically faced challenges in core subjects such as math, English, and Welsh. By redesigning lessons to captivate students, he envisions a positive shift in academic performance and engagement among learners.

Empowering Through Education and Exposure

The candidate stresses the role of policymakers and educators in empowering students by broadening their horizons, providing role models, and establishing connections between academic learning and real-world opportunities. By introducing students to various career experiences and fostering a deeper understanding of different professions, Miles aims to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate post-school life effectively.


Q: What is Jeremy Miles’ approach to addressing educational disparities among working class students?

A: Jeremy Miles advocates for curriculum enhancements and increased parental involvement to support working class students in achieving academic success.

Q: How does Miles aim to engage parents in the education system?

A: Miles emphasizes the importance of inviting parents to participate in school activities such as cookery lessons and reading sessions to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Q: What is the significance of providing more work-related experiences in schools according to Jeremy Miles?

A: Jeremy Miles believes that offering students exposure to the world of work helps them understand potential career paths and opportunities, empowering them to make informed choices for their future.

Q: How does Jeremy Miles intend to connect students with real-world opportunities?

A: Jeremy Miles emphasizes the importance of providing students with role models, experiences, and a clear understanding of career possibilities to help them navigate their post-school endeavors effectively.

Q: When will the new Welsh Labour leader, succeeding Mark Drakeford, be announced?

A: The new Welsh Labour leader, who will replace Mark Drakeford as First Minister, is set to be announced on March 16 following the selection by Welsh Labour members.


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