Libby Squire’s Mother Warns MPs: Killer Will Strike Again?

Mother of murder victim demands life sentence for killer, advocates for stricter punishment for non-contact sex crimes


Libby Squire’s Mother Issues Warning to MPs Regarding Daughter’s Murderer

The Call for Life Imprisonment

Lisa Squire, the mother of the late Libby Squire, has advocated for Pawel Relowicz, the convicted murderer of her daughter, to face a lifetime behind bars. Relowicz, who is currently serving a life sentence with a minimum term of 27 years for the rape and murder of 21-year-old Libby in 2019, has been highlighted by Mrs. Squire as a potential danger to society if ever released.

Stricter Sentences for Sexual Offenders

Expressing concerns about the leniency of punishments for individuals like Relowicz, who had a history of sex offenses leading up to Libby’s tragic demise, Mrs. Squire emphasized the necessity for harsher penalties. She addressed the Home Affairs Select Committee, stating, “It is a slap on the wrist for the majority.” Mrs. Squire stressed the importance of both stringent sentencing and rehabilitation for sexual offenders to prevent recidivism.

Urging Reporting of Non-Contact Sex Crimes

In a plea to victims of non-contact sex offenses, Mrs. Squire urged them to report such incidents, citing the crucial role reporting plays in preventing further escalation of offenses. Describing the period leading to Libby’s death, she noticed a progression in Relowicz’s behavior that eventually culminated in the horrific crime. Mrs. Squire emphasized the need to address patterns of behavior and prevent future tragedies.

Raising Awareness and Empowering Women

Mrs. Squire shared her experiences advocating for victims of sexual offenses, revealing that a significant percentage of women have encountered such crimes but choose not to report them. She recounted an incident where Libby herself faced a non-contact sex offense a year before her untimely death, highlighting the importance of raising awareness and empowering women to speak out against such acts of intimidation.

Preventing Future Tragedies

Drawing attention to the link between non-contact offenses and potential escalations to more severe crimes, Mrs. Squire emphasized the need to intervene early to prevent further harm to women and girls in society. By shedding light on the gravity of these offenses and advocating for stricter measures against offenders, she aims to safeguard individuals from the trauma inflicted by acts of sexual violence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How did Mrs. Squire characterize the need for Pawel Relowicz’s imprisonment?

Mrs. Squire emphasized the necessity for Pawel Relowicz to spend the rest of his life behind bars due to the threat he poses to society if released.

2. What was the minimum term Pawel Relowicz received for the rape and murder of Libby Squire?

Pawel Relowicz was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 27 years for the rape and murder of 21-year-old Libby Squire in 2019.

3. Why did Mrs. Squire call for harsher penalties for individuals convicted of sex crimes like indecent exposure?

Mrs. Squire advocated for stricter punishments to deter offenders and emphasized the importance of rehabilitation to prevent reoffending and protect the community.

4. What encouragement did Mrs. Squire provide to victims of non-contact sex offenses?

Mrs. Squire urged victims of non-contact sex crimes to report such incidents, emphasizing the role of reporting in preventing further escalation of offenses and safeguarding potential victims.

5. How did Mrs. Squire illustrate the urgency of addressing non-contact sex offenses to prevent future tragedies?

Mrs. Squire highlighted the importance of early intervention and awareness-raising to prevent the progression of non-contact offenses to more severe crimes, ultimately aiming to protect women and girls from harm in society.


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