“UK Ferry Port: Migrants Discovered in Lorry” – Who are they, and where are they from?

Police arrest two individuals after a discovery at Newhaven ferry port.


Incident at Newhaven Ferry Port: Migrants Found in Lorry

Six Migrants Discovered in Back of Lorry

Six migrants have been discovered in the back of a lorry at Newhaven ferry port in East Sussex, leading to a response from the authorities. Two arrests have been made, with one individual suspected of facilitating illegal entry to the UK, and the other for unlawfully entering the country. The individuals found have been hospitalized for treatment, with a significant presence of border force, police, and ambulance services at the site.

Details of the Incident

The vehicle in question arrived on a passenger ferry from Dieppe on Friday morning, highlighting a concerning situation at the port. The discovery of migrants in such conditions has raised alarms and triggered a coordinated response from relevant agencies.

Political Response and Concern

Lewes MP Maria Caulfield expressed her worry about the incident, emphasizing the need for vigilance and praising the quick response of the emergency services. The authorities are actively addressing the situation, with a focus on ensuring the well-being of those involved.

Emergency Service Reaction

The south east coast ambulance service promptly responded to the incident at Newhaven ferry port, deploying various resources, including the Hazardous Area Response Team, in collaboration with other emergency partners. The priority remains the provision of necessary medical assistance to those affected.

Official Statements and Ongoing Support

Sussex police are working alongside Border Force and other services to manage the aftermath of the discovery, with arrests made in connection to the incident. The Home Office has indicated that Border Force is actively involved in the response efforts, with ongoing support from emergency services.

Developing Situation

As the situation unfolds, authorities are continuously monitoring and responding to the events at Newhaven Ferry Port. The evolving nature of the incident necessitates a coordinated approach to address any further developments.


What led to the discovery of migrants in the lorry at Newhaven ferry port?

The migrants were found during an inspection at the port, raising concerns about illegal entry into the UK and prompting swift action from the authorities.

How did the emergency services respond to the incident?

The south east coast ambulance service mobilized various resources, including the Hazardous Area Response Team, to provide medical assistance to the individuals found in the lorry.

What statements were released by the authorities regarding the arrests made?

Sussex police and the Home Office have provided updates on the arrests made in connection to the incident, highlighting the collaborative efforts with Border Force and other emergency services.

What measures are being taken to ensure the well-being of the individuals involved?

Authorities are focused on providing necessary medical treatment to the individuals found in the lorry, with a coordinated approach involving different agencies at the scene.

How are the political representatives reacting to the situation at Newhaven ferry port?

MP Maria Caulfield expressed concern about the incident and commended the emergency services for their swift response, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance in the area.


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