“Truss Blames Deep State: Sabotage in Fox News Tirade” – Who is Liz Truss? How old is she and where is she from?

Former Prime Minister Liz Truss criticizes schools for embracing 'wokeism' ahead of a speech to Donald Trump supporters in Washington DC.


Liz Truss Accuses Deep State of Sabotage

Ms. Truss Issues Stark Warning

In a column featured on Fox News, Liz Truss has pointed fingers at the deep state for allegedly “sabotaging” her time in office, emphasizing the importance of conservatives prevailing to secure the West’s future. According to her, the infiltration of left-wing ideologies in various sectors like schools, universities, and companies has led to what she describes as the “dogma of wokeism” taking root.

Condemnation of Left-Wing Influence

Ms. Truss attributes her unpopularity as Prime Minister to the pervasive influence of left-wingers, labeling it as a significant factor in her unfavorable standing in British history. She highlights the need for conservatives to reclaim power and challenge the institutions that have been co-opted by leftist agendas.

CPAC Appearance

Scheduled to address right-wing supporters at the CPAC conference alongside Donald Trump, Liz Truss aims to resonate with like-minded individuals and stress the significance of conservative values in today’s political landscape. The event will also feature speeches from prominent figures like Nigel Farage and the former US President himself.

Revamping Image

Despite her short-lived and controversial tenure as Prime Minister, Liz Truss is striving to rebrand herself as a champion of the Tory right. By launching “Popular Conservatism,” a platform advocating for low taxes and countering progressive social initiatives, she seeks to position herself as a staunch defender of conservative principles.

Urging a Conservative Resurgence

Ms. Truss reiterates her belief that without a conservative resurgence and a concerted effort to challenge leftist strongholds, the West is destined for bleak prospects. Emphasizing the need for conservatives to confront and counter the institutions allegedly overtaken by the left, she underscores the pivotal role of ideological battles in shaping the future political landscape.


What is Liz Truss blaming the deep state for?

Liz Truss is attributing the sabotage of her premiership to the deep state’s interference.

Why does Liz Truss warn about the West’s future?

Ms. Truss warns that the West is at risk unless conservatives prevail and combat leftist-influenced institutions.

Where will Liz Truss be speaking alongside Donald Trump?

Liz Truss is set to speak at the CPAC conference near Washington DC, sharing the platform with Donald Trump.

Why did Liz Truss face criticism during her time as Prime Minister?

Ms. Truss faced backlash for her perceived failure to address leftist ideologies infiltrating key sectors and her subsequent unpopularity.

What is Liz Truss emphasizing through her “Popular Conservatism” group?

Through “Popular Conservatism,” Liz Truss aims to advocate for conservative values, including low taxes and opposition to progressive social policies.


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