Investigation at Islamic Center Over Anti-Israel Chants: Who, Where, Why?

Groups endorsing the event have disavowed links to antisemitism, despite allegations of ties to Iranian supporters.


An Inquiry Launched into Anti-Israel Chants at Islamic Charity Premises

Charity Commission Investigates Al-Tawheed Charitable Trust

An inquiry has been initiated by the Charity Commission after a group was captured on video shouting “death to Israel” within the premises of an Islamic charity. The Commission disclosed that they have commenced a statutory inquiry into Al-Tawheed (TUCF) Charitable Trust following the emergence of videos showcasing antisemitic behavior and Holocaust denial at one of its properties. These disturbing videos also featured speeches by members of Iran’s sanctioned military, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Videos Depicting Controversial Events

The videos surfaced from events held at the Kanoon Towhid Islamic centre in west London during 2020 and 2021. These events were held in memory of Iran’s renowned military commander General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a US airstrike in 2020. General Soleimani was known for his involvement in funding anti-Israel militias such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, making him a controversial figure in international relations.

Concerns Raised by Regulators

During the events, attendees were heard chanting “death to Israel,” although the identities of the chanters remain undisclosed. Furthermore, speeches from former and active IRGC commanders, including one referencing an apocalyptic war on Jews, were live-streamed during two separate occasions. The Charity Commission expressed deep concerns over the misuse of charity premises and the content of the speeches delivered at these events.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Trustees’ Response

The Charity Commission highlighted the significance of the issues at hand and announced a thorough examination of the charity’s event protocols and guest speaker selection process. Trustees of TUCF stated that they were not in office at the time of the events, distancing themselves from the controversy. Meanwhile, the Islamic Students Associations of Britain (ISA) clarified that while they endorsed the event, they did not attend it.

Growing Concerns and Allegations

The released footage has sparked concerns among some Members of Parliament regarding the alleged attempts by the IRGC to radicalize Muslims in the UK. The IRGC’s involvement in previous kidnap and assassination plots in the UK has raised alarms, with counter-terror police confirming at least 16 such plots since 2020. These developments underscore the ongoing challenges related to extremism and security.


What is the Charity Commission investigating?

The Charity Commission is investigating the Al-Tawheed Charitable Trust following videos showing antisemitism and Holocaust denial at one of its properties.

Who were the speakers featured in the videos?

The videos showcased speeches by members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including references to General Qasem Soleimani.

What controversial chants were heard during the events?

Attendees at the events were heard chanting “death to Israel,” raising concerns over the nature of the rhetoric being promoted.

What response did the Charity Commission provide regarding the events?

The Charity Commission expressed significant concerns over the misuse of charity premises and pledged to investigate the charity’s event protocols and external speakers.

What is the connection between the events and General Qasem Soleimani?

The events held in London were in memory of General Qasem Soleimani, known for his involvement in funding anti-Israel militias.

How are UK authorities responding to the concerns raised?

UK authorities, including Members of Parliament and counter-terror police, are taking the allegations seriously and investigating potential radicalization efforts by the IRGC.


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