“UK Cabinet Ministers Facing Defeat in Tory Election – Full List” Keyword: Cabinet Ministers, Tory Election Questions: Who are the 18 ministers? How likely are they to lose their seats?

MRP Poll Predicts Tories Face Devastating Losses in General Election: Grant Shapps, Penny Mordaunt, and Gillian Keegan Among Possible Cabinet Victims


Tories Facing Electoral Wipeout in Mega-Poll

Forecasted Cabinet Upheaval

A recent mega-poll has unveiled a potential electoral disaster for prominent Tories, with figures like Grant Shapps, Penny Mordaunt, and Gillian Keegan facing the risk of being ousted. The survey, conducted on 18,000 individuals, paints a grim picture for the Conservative Party, projecting a significant decline in parliamentary seats to as low as 80 MPs. Rishi Sunak, the current Chancellor, is predicted to lead the party to its poorest electoral performance in history.

Cabinet Ministers Under Threat

The poll results from Find Out Now and Electoral Calculus indicate that as many as 18 Cabinet ministers may lose their seats in the upcoming elections. Among those at risk are Jeremy Hunt, Mel Stride, Claire Coutinho, Victoria Pentis, John Glen, Johnny Mercer, and Simon Hart. However, a few current ministers like James Cleverly, Kemi Badenoch, Tom Tugendhat, and Michael Gove are anticipated to secure their positions and potentially enter the next Conservative leadership race.

Labour’s Projected Victory

The survey points towards a probable landslide victory for Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, with an unprecedented estimated majority of 254 seats. This victory would surpass even Tony Blair’s historic triumph in 1997. Labour is shown to command 42% of the public support, positioning them with a substantial lead of 20 points over the Conservatives, who stand at 22%.

Predicted Seat Redistribution

The comprehensive poll, which surveyed a significant sample of 18,151 respondents, employed the MRP methodology to analyze individual constituencies. The outcomes suggest a substantial shift in parliamentary representation, with Labour projected to gain 452 seats. On the other hand, the Conservatives are slated to lose a considerable 285 seats from the 2019 tally, leaving them with a mere 80. Additionally, the Liberal Democrats are on track to secure 53 seats, while the SNP is expected to dip slightly to 40 seats, and the Greens to secure two.

Expert Analysis and Insights

Martin Baxter, the founder of Electoral Calculus, commented on the findings, highlighting the growing disillusionment towards the Conservatives under Rishi Sunak’s leadership. He emphasized the potential for a landslide victory for Labour, driven by voter demands for nationalization, increased public expenditure, and higher taxation. As the political landscape teeters on the edge of transformation, the impending election could usher in significant changes, marking the end of the Conservative era.

Projected Cabinet Casualties List

The poll projects a significant reshuffle in Cabinet positions, with 18 current ministers facing potential defeats in their constituencies. Notable figures such as Grant Shapps, Penny Mordaunt, Claire Coutinho, Mel Stride, Gillian Keegan, and others are forecasted to be replaced by Labour or other rival parties.

Source and Further Details

The information presented stems from the extensive survey conducted by Find Out Now and Electoral Calculus, engaging 18,151 British adults online between January 24 and February 12. For a detailed breakdown of seat projections, refer to the full results.


1. What is the projected outcome for the Conservative Party based on the poll?
According to the poll, the Conservative Party faces a potential decline to as few as 80 MPs, marking a significant drop in parliamentary seats.

2. Who are some Cabinet ministers at risk of losing their seats?
Prominent figures like Grant Shapps, Penny Mordaunt, and Gillian Keegan are among the Cabinet ministers facing the risk of being ousted as per the poll projections.

3. Which parties are expected to make significant gains in the upcoming elections?
Labour is projected to secure a landslide victory, potentially gaining 452 seats, while the Liberal Democrats are anticipated to secure 53 seats, reshaping the parliamentary landscape.

4. What factors are contributing to the potential Labour landslide victory?
Voter demands for nationalization, increased public spending, and higher taxes are cited as key drivers behind the anticipated landslide victory for the Labour Party.

5. How was the survey conducted, and what methodology was used for analysis?
The survey engaged 18,151 respondents and employed the MRP (multi-level regression and post-stratification) method to project individual constituency outcomes, providing a comprehensive insight into the potential electoral shifts.

6. When are the predicted elections taking place, and what implications might they have?
The impending elections could mark a significant turning point in British politics, potentially signaling the conclusion of the Conservative era as illustrated by the projected outcomes of the survey.


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