“MP Jonathan Gullis Boosts Home Security with ‘Bulletproof Clingfilm'” Who is he? How old is he? Where is he from?

MP Jonathan Gullis expresses frustration over safety concerns for MPs following recent attacks, highlighting the need for improved security measures.


MPs Increasing Security Measures Amid Heightened Threats

Tory MP Jonathan Gullis’ Concerns

Tory MP Jonathan Gullis has recently taken drastic security measures by installing “bulletproof clingfilm” on his windows and panic alarms in his bedroom due to escalating security concerns. Gullis expressed his frustration, stating that MPs should not have to resort to such extreme measures to ensure their safety, particularly with young children in the house.

Security Concerns Among UK MPs

This comes in the wake of several alarming incidents targeting MPs. Fellow Conservative Tobias Ellwood faced demonstrators outside his residence, and frontbencher Mike Freer announced his resignation following a series of threats and assaults. Some MPs, including Freer, have even resorted to wearing stab-proof vests due to perceived threats.

Gullis Firm Stance on Security

In an interview with GB News, Gullis vehemently condemned the incidents concerning his colleagues, emphasizing that while MPs are accessible through various channels, their homes should remain off-limits. He asserted his readiness to defend his family against any potential threats, even if it means taking matters into his own hands when necessary.

Escalating Security Concerns

The recent demonstration outside Ellwood’s home prompted widespread outrage and raised serious questions about the safety of MPs and their families. Freer, who cited threats related to his support for Israel, highlighted the immense pressure and fear that many MPs now live with daily. He recalled the chilling encounter with Ali Harbi Ali, the individual convicted of murdering Sir David Amess, underscoring the pervasive sense of vulnerability among politicians.

Challenges Faced by MPs

The growing security challenges faced by MPs demand urgent attention and action to ensure their safety and well-being. The incidents involving Gullis, Ellwood, and Freer underscore the tangible risks and threats that have become a stark reality for individuals serving in public office.


1. How are MPs like Jonathan Gullis enhancing their security measures?

MP Jonathan Gullis has resorted to using “bulletproof clingfilm” on his windows and panic alarms in his bedroom to bolster security at his home.

2. What recent incidents have raised concerns about MP safety?

Recent high-profile cases targeting MPs, including demonstrators outside Tobias Ellwood’s home and threats against Mike Freer, have heightened security fears among UK politicians.

3. Why did Mike Freer decide to step down from his position?

Mike Freer announced his resignation following a series of threats and assaults that he and his husband Angelo experienced, attributing the attacks to his support for Israel.

4. How did Jonathan Gullis respond to the security threats?

Jonathan Gullis firmly stated that his family’s safety is non-negotiable and that he is prepared to take decisive action to protect them against any potential threats.

5. What security program was implemented following the incident at Tobias Ellwood’s home?

Operation Bridger, a security program aimed at safeguarding MPs, was put in place in response to the protesters gathering outside Tobias Ellwood’s residence.

6. How has the security landscape changed for UK MPs in recent times?

UK MPs, such as Mike Freer, have found themselves facing heightened security risks, leading to concerns about their safety and well-being while carrying out their parliamentary duties.


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