Romance Scam Alert: £90million Swindled in 2021- Who Are the Culprits? Are They Caught Yet?

Beware: Falling for love could cost you! Romance fraud preys on trust, deceiving victims into sending money to con artists posing as partners.


Romance Scammers Defraud Individuals of £90 Million in a Year

An Epidemic of Love Seekers Falling Prey to Crime

Recent research has exposed a disturbing trend where romance scammers have swindled people out of a staggering £90 million over the past year. As Valentine’s Day approaches, it has been revealed that criminals are not only breaking hearts but also draining bank accounts.

The Rising Threat of Romance Fraud

Romance fraud is a deceptive scheme that involves individuals being tricked into sending money to criminals who exploit their trust by feigning genuine romantic relationships. According to data from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, a total of £88,312,382 was reported lost in 2023, equating to almost £242,000 each day. On average, victims of these fake romances are losing upwards of £10,000 each.

An Alarming Increase in Reported Scams

The frequency of scams targeting love seekers is on the rise, with 8,608 reports of romance fraud filed across England and Wales in 2023. This marks an 8% increase from the previous year, indicating a growing trend of individuals falling victim to fraudulent romantic ploys.

Growing Concerns Over Male Victims

Notably, reports of romance scams involving male victims surged by 40% between 2022 and 2023, as highlighted by Nationwide’s analysis. While women tend to bear a greater financial burden, with an average claim of £10,610 in 2023, men also suffered significant losses, averaging £8,181 per case.

Criminals’ Deceptive Tactics

Perpetrators of romance scams employ various deceitful tactics to exploit their targets. These can include posing as military personnel to fabricate false army payments or coercing victims into paying phony customs fees for supposed overseas gifts. The Insurance Fraud Bureau has cautioned against scammers pressuring victims to make fraudulent insurance claims.

Efforts to Combat Romance Fraud

In response to the escalating threat of romance fraud, the government has launched an anti-fraud campaign called Stop! Think Fraud. The initiative aims to equip individuals with tools to safeguard themselves against such deceptive practices. The campaign features a new website offering fraud prevention advice and utilizes billboards, broadcast, and social media platforms to raise awareness.

Rising Awareness and Support Initiatives

Campaigners like Anna Rowe, who founded Catch the Catfish after falling victim to a romance scam, emphasize the growing recognition of romance fraud as a pressing issue. Ms. Rowe, along with Cecilie Fjellhøy, co-founded LoveSaid to assist potential fraud victims and provide training to law enforcement and financial institutions on tackling romance scams.

Addressing the Stigma Around Romance Fraud

Victim Support’s Romance Fraud Expert, Lisa Mills, highlights the prevalence of romance fraud and the associated stigma that often prevents victims from seeking help or sharing their experiences. It is crucial for individuals to recognize that perpetrators of romance fraud are adept at manipulation, and victims should not blame themselves for being deceived.

Calls for Government Action

While initiatives like the Stop! Think Fraud campaign aim to curb romance fraud, critics such as Labour’s Attorney General Emily Thornberry have highlighted the need for more robust government intervention. Thornberry points out a significant escalation in fraud incidents under the current administration and emphasizes the urgency of addressing the issue effectively.

Seeking Support

If you suspect you have fallen victim to romance fraud, organizations like Victim Support offer assistance through channels like live chat and a 24/7 Supportline. It is vital to seek help and report instances of fraud to prevent further harm.


1. What is romance fraud?

Romance fraud involves individuals being misled into sending money to criminals who deceive them by pretending to be in a genuine romantic relationship.

2. How much money was lost to romance scams in 2023?

A total of £88,312,382 was reported lost to romance scams in 2023, equivalent to almost £242,000 each day.

3. What deceptive tactics do romance scammers use?

Romance scammers employ tactics such as posing as military personnel, fabricating overseas gifts, and pressuring victims to make fake insurance claims.

4. How can individuals protect themselves against romance fraud?

The government’s Stop! Think Fraud campaign provides resources and guidance to help individuals safeguard themselves against romance fraud through fraud prevention advice and awareness efforts.

5. What support is available for romance fraud victims?

Organizations like Victim Support offer assistance to romance fraud victims through channels like live chat and a 24/7 Supportline for individuals in need of help and guidance.


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