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Barrister and Council Leader Awarded Peerages by Rishi Sunak

Controversial Appointments to the House of Lords

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has caused a stir by awarding peerages to individuals with controversial backgrounds. One such appointee is Charles Banner, a prominent barrister, who made headlines in 2022 for being escorted off a British Airways flight along with his family by armed police. The incident unfolded after Banner’s family nanny was denied access to business class, leading to a heated dispute with the cabin crew that resulted in their removal from the plane at Heathrow Airport.

Details of the Flight Dispute

Charles Banner had purchased business class tickets for his family, but chaos ensued when the nanny was informed of being downgraded to economy due to an overbooked flight. Banner’s request for the nanny to join them in business class was met with resistance from the cabin crew, culminating in their expulsion from the flight. The ensuing delay sparked outrage from Banner, who criticized the treatment by British Airways staff, labeling it as “appalling” and a stark departure from his previous positive experiences with the airline.

A Questionable Peerage for Council Leader

In another controversial appointment, John Fuller, the leader of South Norfolk Council, has been granted a peerage despite facing backlash for a social media post where he bragged about attempting to exterminate moles with a blowtorch. Fuller’s actions drew condemnation from environmentalist Chris Packham and raised eyebrows over his suitability for a peerage. His donation of £5,000 to the Conservative Party further fueled the debate surrounding his elevation to the House of Lords.

Additional Tory Donors Elevated to Peerage

Joining Banner and Fuller in receiving peerages are Franck Petitgas, a former Morgan Stanley executive who contributed £35,000 to the Tories, and Stuart Marks, the party’s Treasury donor with a substantial donation of £119,500. The appointments of these individuals underscore the close ties between political contributions and peerage nominations, sparking discussions on transparency and accountability in the honours system.

Opposition Reaction and Allocation of Peerages

While the Conservative Party awarded eight supporters with peerages, Labour secured four new positions in the House of Lords, with Plaid Cymru set to receive one peer. The distribution of peerages has reignited debates on political patronage and the need for reforms to ensure the integrity of the peerage system.


The controversy surrounding the recent peerage appointments by Rishi Sunak highlights the intersection of politics, privilege, and public scrutiny. As these individuals assume their roles in the Upper House, questions linger about the criteria for awarding peerages and the implications of such controversial selections for the future of the House of Lords.


What were the circumstances that led to Charles Banner and his family being removed from a British Airways flight?

Charles Banner and his family were escorted off a British Airways flight by armed police after a dispute arose when their family nanny was denied access to business class, despite Banner purchasing business class tickets.

Why did John Fuller face criticism regarding his peerage appointment?

John Fuller, the leader of South Norfolk Council, faced criticism due to a social media post where he boasted about attempting to kill moles with a blowtorch, drawing ire from environmentalists and raising concerns over his suitability for a peerage.

How many Tory donors were awarded peerages by Rishi Sunak?

Rishi Sunak awarded peerages to three Tory donors who collectively contributed almost £160,000 to the Conservative Party, highlighting the connection between political donations and peerage nominations.

Which political parties besides the Conservatives received new peerages?

Apart from the Conservative Party, Labour was granted four new peerages, while Plaid Cymru is set to receive one new peer in the House of Lords, signaling a diverse allocation of positions across different political factions.

What are the implications of the recent peerage appointments for the House of Lords?

The recent peerage appointments have reignited discussions on transparency, accountability, and political patronage within the honours system, raising questions about the integrity and effectiveness of the peerage selection process.


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