Tory’s Quietly Release 6 Bad News Bits: What, Who, and Why?

As MPs prepare to break for parliamentary recess, the Government seizes the moment to hide unfavorable news. Stay informed with The Mirror's comprehensive roundup to ensure nothing escapes your attention.


Government Attempts to Bury Bad News Before Parliamentary Recess

Rishi Sunak Faces Criticism for Transphobic Remark

As MPs prepare to break up for parliamentary recess, the Government’s timing raises eyebrows as Rishi Sunak faces backlash for a transphobic jibe made during PMQs. The incident unfolded in the presence of Brianna Ghey’s mother in Parliament, with Sunak declining to apologize despite calls from her father.

Schools Grapple with Crumbling Concrete Crisis

Amid the chaos, revelations emerge about a crumbling concrete crisis in schools, with three more schools identified with unstable concrete known as RAAC. This adds to a total of 234 schools and colleges affected across England, with 119 schools now part of the School Rebuilding Programme for extensive or complex removal work.

Sharp Increase in No-Fault Evictions

New figures reveal a significant rise in repossessions through no-fault evictions, with a staggering 49% increase reported last year. Despite vows to abolish section 21 notices in 2019, delays have hindered progress, prompting Labour’s shadow minister to denounce the Tories’ failure to protect renters.

Surge in Children’s Rotten Tooth Extractions

Disturbing statistics show a surge in children requiring tooth extractions, reaching 48,000 operations last year due to tooth decay. Accessibility to NHS dentists has plummeted, affecting under-18s disproportionately, leading to urgent calls for improved dental care access.

Government’s Retreat on Asylum Seeker Housing Rules

Amid mounting criticism, the Government backtracks on plans to relax regulations for landlords renting to asylum seekers, a move condemned for potential risks to housing standards. The decision follows a legal challenge and underscores ongoing challenges in asylum seeker accommodation.

Controversy Erupts Over New Firefighters Strike Rules

Anger flares over new stringent rules aimed at preventing firefighters from striking, sparking accusations of authoritarianism and an assault on workers’ rights. The mandated minimum service levels during strikes draw condemnation from unions and rights advocates, highlighting escalating tensions.

Backlash Over Infected Blood Scandal Compensation Advisor

Concerns swirl as Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery is appointed to advise on compensating victims of the contaminated blood scandal, raising questions about his affiliations. Families impacted express apprehension over conflicts of interest, casting doubt on the impartiality of the compensation process.


What is the School Rebuilding Programme?

The School Rebuilding Programme aims to address the widespread issue of crumbling concrete in schools, with identified schools undergoing extensive or complex removal work to rectify the problem.

Why are renters facing challenges with eviction?

Renters are increasingly vulnerable to no-fault evictions, with delays in abolishing section 21 notices exacerbating the situation and leaving tenants at the mercy of landlords.

How are children impacted by the surge in tooth extractions?

The rise in tooth extractions among children, primarily due to decay, underscores the pressing need for improved access to NHS dentists to prevent further oral health crises.

Why did the Government backtrack on asylum seeker housing rules?

The Government’s decision to reverse plans relaxing regulations for asylum seeker accommodation follows legal challenges and concerns about the quality of housing provided to vulnerable populations.

What concerns have been raised over the new rules for firefighters?

The new rules imposing minimum service levels and restrictions on firefighters’ right to strike have sparked outrage, with critics condemning the measures as authoritarian and detrimental to workers’ rights.


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