Rishi Sunak ignores family’s plea for apology over trans comment

Peter Spooner demands apology from Rishi Sunak for 'degrading' transgender joke made during Prime Minister's Questions. #ApologizeRishiSunak


Rishi Sunak Faces Criticism Over Transgender Joke

PM Defends His Comments

Rishi Sunak has chosen not to apologize to Brianna Ghey’s father following his transgender joke in the Commons. The Prime Minister defended his remarks, stating they were “absolutely legitimate” as he was highlighting Keir Starmer’s U-turns on major policies. When asked about the possibility of an apology, Sunak emphasized that his comments were focused on Starmer’s history of policy reversals due to the lack of a clear plan on major issues.

Calls for Apology

Peter Spooner, Brianna’s father, demanded an apology from Sunak, labeling the comments as “degrading” and “dehumanising.” He expressed shock over Sunak’s remarks, emphasizing that identities should not be used in such a derogatory manner. Spooner urged Sunak to apologize for his statements.

Controversial Exchange in Parliament

During a session in Parliament, Sunak criticized Starmer over his stance on “defining a woman” while Brianna’s mother was present in the chamber. The verbal exchange occurred shortly after Starmer acknowledged Esther Ghey, Brianna’s mother, for her courage. The heated moment led to a back-and-forth between Sunak and Starmer, with shouts of disapproval from other MPs in the chamber.

Reflection on Words

Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt suggested that Sunak should contemplate his choice of words. She emphasized the importance of politicians making their constituents proud and urged Sunak to consider the impact of his statements, not only on the Ghey family but also on the broader transgender community.

Concerns Raised

In response to questions about the treatment of trans individuals in Parliament, the Prime Minister’s spokesperson reiterated the importance of respecting everyone and upholding dignity. The spokesperson emphasized that Sunak focuses on making political points rather than targeting transgender individuals in a derogatory manner.

Shadow Commons Leader’s Criticism

Shadow Commons leader Lucy Powell condemned Sunak’s remarks as a “new low” and criticized his refusal to apologize to Esther Ghey and her family. Powell called out the Equalities Secretary for dismissing the concerns raised by the Ghey family and emphasized the need to avoid using minorities as political targets.

Tragic Background

Brianna tragically lost her life to a brutal attack by teenagers Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe in a Cheshire park. During the sentencing, the judge highlighted the extreme nature of the murder, mentioning elements of sadism and transphobic hate. The harrowing incident took place last February, marking a somber anniversary for the Ghey family.


What led to the controversy involving Rishi Sunak?

The controversy stemmed from Sunak’s remarks in the Commons regarding Keir Starmer’s policy reversals, which were seen as insensitive and derogatory by Brianna Ghey’s father.

Why did Peter Spooner demand an apology from Rishi Sunak?

Peter Spooner demanded an apology due to the degrading and dehumanising nature of Sunak’s comments, emphasizing that identities should not be used in such a manner.

How did the exchange between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer unfold in Parliament?

The exchange involved Sunak criticizing Starmer over his stance on “defining a woman,” which occurred while Brianna’s mother was present in the chamber, leading to a heated confrontation between the two politicians.

What calls to action were made regarding Rishi Sunak’s remarks?

Suggestions were made for Sunak to reflect on his words and consider the impact on both the Ghey family and the broader transgender community, urging him to uphold dignity and respect in political discourse.

What was the response to concerns raised about the treatment of trans individuals in Parliament?

The Prime Minister’s spokesperson reiterated the values of dignity and respect, emphasizing Sunak’s focus on making political points rather than targeting transgender individuals in a negative light.

What tragic event involving Brianna Ghey was highlighted in the article?

The article mentioned the brutal murder of Brianna Ghey by teenagers Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe, with the judge noting elements of sadism and transphobic hate during the sentencing.


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