“Conservative MPs Probed for Controversial Remarks on Special Needs Kids”

Warwickshire County Council councillors under investigation for controversial remarks. Brian Hammersley, Clare Golby, and Jeff Morgan in hot water over comments on Send cases.


Tory Councillors Investigated for Controversial Comments on Children with Special Needs

Controversial Statements Spark Outrage

Three Conservative councillors are currently under investigation for making what have been described as “Dickensian” comments regarding children with special educational needs. The remarks made by Brian Hammersley, Clare Golby, and Jeff Morgan during a Warwickshire County Council meeting have sparked significant backlash.

Apologies and Council Investigation

The controversy began when Brian Hammersley questioned the increasing number of children with special needs, asking if there was “something in the water”. His colleague Clare Golby suggested parents were sharing tips on how to get their children diagnosed, while Jeff Morgan made comments about children with ADHD needing “strict correction”. Following public outrage, all three councillors issued apologies and the council initiated an investigation into the matter.

Public Calls for Resignation

In response to the councillors’ statements, a concerned mother shared the footage online, calling for their resignation. She highlighted that their apologies were inadequate given the gravity of their remarks. Meanwhile, Labour MP Matt Western expressed deep concern over the comments and announced plans to protest outside the council buildings.

Criticism from Disability Rights Groups

Disability rights groups, including the Disabled Children’s Partnership, condemned the councillors’ comments as outdated and harmful. Campaign manager Stephen Kingdom emphasized the need for greater education and understanding when making decisions about vulnerable children. The ongoing investigation by the council’s monitoring officer will address the complaints received regarding the controversial remarks.

Community Outrage and Calls for Accountability

Members of the community, particularly parents of children with special needs, have voiced their outrage over the insensitive remarks made by the councillors. Elissa Novak, a mother whose son has special needs, expressed shock at the comments and stressed the importance of accountability. She asserted that mere apologies were insufficient given the harmful nature of the statements.


What were the specific comments made by the Tory councillors?

The councillors made remarks suggesting that parents were manipulating the system to get their children diagnosed with special needs and implied that children with ADHD needed strict discipline.

How did the public react to the councillors’ comments?

The public responded with outrage, demanding accountability and resignations from the councillors for their insensitive and harmful remarks.

What actions have been taken following the controversy?

The council has launched an investigation into the matter, and various advocacy groups have criticized the councillors’ remarks, calling for greater education and understanding of special needs issues.

Why did the Disability Children’s Partnership condemn the councillors’ attitudes?

The Disability Children’s Partnership criticized the councillors for their outdated and harmful attitudes towards children with special needs, emphasizing the need for better education and awareness.

What was the response from the community, particularly parents of children with special needs?

Members of the community, especially parents of children with special needs, expressed outrage over the insensitive comments and called for the councillors to be held accountable for their actions.


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