“MP Elliot Colburn: Emotional Confession of Suicide Attempt at PMQs” Keyword: MP Elliot Colburn Who is he? MP How old is he? Not specified Where is he from? Not specified

MP Elliot Colburn opens up about suicide attempt in emotional Commons speech, expressing belief that world 'would be better off without me'.


Conservative MP Shares Heart-wrenching Story of Suicide Attempt

Elliot Colburn Recounts His Struggle

Elliot Colburn, the Conservative MP representing Carshalton and Wallington, brought the House of Commons to a somber silence as he revealed his harrowing experience of attempting suicide in 2021. The 31-year-old MP opened up about the dark moment, expressing how he believed the world would be better off without him.

A Touching Testimony at PMQs

During a particularly emotional Prime Minister’s Questions session, Colburn highlighted the significance of mental health awareness, especially in light of the alarming statistics around suicide in the UK. He shared, “In 2021 I was nearly one of them,” recounting how his attempt was thwarted by the timely intervention of his family members.

Gratitude and Apology

Grateful for the support and care he received following the incident, Colburn took a moment to thank those who saved him while apologizing to his family for the anguish he caused them. He candidly admitted feeling isolated and terrified during that dark period, emphasizing the importance of reaching out for help in times of despair.

A Call for Compassion and Support

In an impassioned plea to the Prime Minister and fellow MPs, Colburn stressed the paramount importance of acknowledging the severity of mental health struggles. He urged for a united front in combating suicide, emphasizing that every life lost to suicide is one too many.

Government’s Commitment to Suicide Prevention

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak responded with empathy, commending Colburn for his courage in sharing his story. He reassured the House of Commons that the government is dedicated to addressing the issue of suicide prevention seriously. Sunak affirmed the implementation of a new suicide prevention strategy aimed at reducing such tragic incidents in the coming years.

Accessing Support

For those in need of support, organizations like Samaritans offer a free helpline at 116 123 or can be reached via email at [josamaritans.org](http://josamaritans.org). Remember, help is always available.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What prompted Elliot Colburn to share his story in Parliament?

Elliot Colburn shared his story in Parliament to raise awareness about mental health struggles, particularly around suicide, and to highlight the importance of seeking help in times of crisis.

2. How did Elliot Colburn express his gratitude during his speech?

Colburn expressed his gratitude by thanking those who saved him, acknowledging the care he received at St Helier and Springfield Hospitals, and apologizing to his family for the anguish he caused them.

3. What message did Elliot Colburn convey to those facing mental health challenges?

Colburn conveyed a message of hope, emphasizing that even in the darkest moments, help is available, and better days lie ahead. He urged individuals to reach out for support and emphasized that no one is alone in their struggles.

4. How did the MPs respond to Elliot Colburn’s speech?

The MPs cheered on Colburn and expressed their support for him as he shared his emotional story. They applauded his bravery and resilience in opening up about his mental health struggles.

5. How did Rishi Sunak assure the House of Commons regarding suicide prevention?

Rishi Sunak assured the House of Commons that the government takes suicide prevention seriously. He highlighted the importance of the new suicide prevention strategy aimed at reducing suicide rates and supporting individuals in crisis.


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