“Boris Johnson’s £4M Mansion Makeover: Room for Wellies?”

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson set to demolish and reconstruct a one-story extension, initially constructed for servants. The renovation aims to create space for a modern scullery, larder, and breakfast room.


Boris Johnson’s Manor Renovation Gets Green Light

Transformation Plans for the £4 million Country Mansion

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, aged 59, has successfully secured approval for a lavish overhaul of his £4 million country estate in Oxfordshire. The renovation project includes the demolition of the traditional servants’ quarters, reminiscent of Downton Abbey, to adapt to the modern era where live-in staff is no longer a common practice among households.

Modernization Efforts and Challenges

The ambitious plans involve the reconstruction of a single-story extension initially designated for servants. The revamped space will feature a new scullery, laundry area, larder, breakfast room, and an expanded boot room. However, due to the property’s Grade II listed status and its location within a conservation area with stringent planning regulations, Johnson had to seek approval from the local council.

Neighborhood Concerns and Upgrades

A neighboring resident raised objections, particularly towards the proposed entrance gates, citing concerns about their alignment with the historical aesthetics of the 400-year-old residence where Johnson resides with his wife, Carrie, 35, and their three children. Alongside the removal of the servant quarters, the renovation blueprint encompasses minor adjustments to an 18th-century Georgian wing to accommodate a new Master Suite with a dressing room and an enhanced family bathroom.

Additional Enhancements and Security Measures

The former Conservative Member of Parliament also intends to enhance security measures by installing an extended patio and new electric gates to prevent his children from venturing onto the road unsupervised. Addressing the need for heightened security, Johnson’s planning agent emphasized the importance of securing the property, especially with young children present.

Community Feedback and Conservation Approval

While some locals expressed reservations about the proposed gates, concerns were alleviated as the plans received no objections from conservation groups. The South Oxfordshire District Council granted permission for the project, ensuring that the proposed modifications align with the historic and architectural significance of the Grade II listed building.

Swimming Pool Authorization and Environmental Considerations

Despite previous apprehensions regarding the impact on protected newts, Boris Johnson was granted consent for an outdoor swimming pool measuring 11x4m. The former Prime Minister, who left office in 2022, had pledged to safeguard the newts by implementing necessary measures, such as constructing “newt motels” if required. The latest approval reflects the council’s assurance that the developments will preserve the property’s heritage without compromising the surrounding environment.


What were the major modifications planned for Boris Johnson’s country mansion?

The renovation project aimed to modernize the estate by demolishing the traditional servants’ quarters and constructing new facilities such as a scullery, laundry area, larder, breakfast room, and an expanded boot room.

Why did Boris Johnson need approval from the local council for the renovation?

Due to the Grade II listed status of the property and its location in a conservation area with strict planning laws, Johnson had to seek permission from the local council to proceed with the renovation plans.

What were the concerns raised by a neighbor regarding the proposed renovations?

One neighbor expressed reservations about the new entrance gates, stating that they were not in harmony with the historic appearance of the 400-year-old residence.

How did Boris Johnson address security concerns in the renovation plans?

Johnson aimed to enhance security by installing new electric gates and extending the patio to prevent his children from accessing the road unsupervised.

What environmental considerations were taken into account in the approval process?

Despite concerns about the impact on protected newts, the council granted approval for the outdoor swimming pool, with Johnson pledging to protect the newts through measures like constructing “newt motels” if necessary.


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