“MPs Facing Threats: Bodyguards Considered” – Extremist, Security, Protect

Prime Minister hints at supporting resignation of Tory MP following death threats, opening doors for party shift.


Rishi Sunak Considers Providing Bodyguards for MPs After Safety Concerns

MP Mike Freer Faces Death Threats and Arson Attack

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, expressed openness to the idea of providing bodyguards for Members of Parliament due to escalating safety concerns. This consideration comes in light of Conservative MP Mike Freer’s announcement that he will not seek re-election following a series of death threats and an arson attack on his constituency office.

Current Security Measures for Key Government Figures

While certain MPs such as the Prime Minister, Defence Secretary, Home Secretary, and Northern Ireland Secretary already have assigned protection officers as standard protocol, the recent incidents have raised questions about the safety of all MPs.

Enhanced Security Measures in the Parliament

During an interview on TalkTV with Piers Morgan, Rishi Sunak highlighted the need to ensure the safety of MPs in carrying out their duties without the constant fear of personal security threats. He emphasized the importance of addressing the underlying ideologies that fuel such violent behaviors and the ongoing review of security protocols within parliamentary settings.

Protection Officers for MPs: A Potential Solution?

Sunak acknowledged the potential benefits of providing security guards for MPs, stating that “there may well be an argument for that.” However, he stressed that determining the necessity of such measures falls under the purview of security services and law enforcement agencies.

Ensuring a Safe Society for All

Reflecting on his own experience with a dedicated team of protection officers, Sunak shared his concerns about ensuring a safe environment for public figures and their families. He emphasized the broader societal impact of having adequate security measures in place, particularly in light of rising extremist ideologies and threats.

Emphasis on Community Safety and Crime Prevention

The Chancellor underscored the significance of community safety initiatives, including increasing police presence, empowering law enforcement with necessary tools, and implementing measures like CCTV and improved street lighting. Sunak’s focus on creating a secure society aims to provide a safe environment for future generations, including his own children.


What prompted Rishi Sunak to consider providing bodyguards for MPs?

Rishi Sunak’s consideration stems from the escalating safety concerns faced by MPs, exemplified by the threats and attacks targeting individuals like MP Mike Freer.

Why is addressing extremist ideologies crucial in enhancing MP security?

By addressing the ideologies fueling violent behaviors, authorities can better understand and mitigate the root causes of threats against MPs, thereby improving overall security measures.

How does Rishi Sunak view the role of security services and police in enhancing MP safety?

Sunak believes that the assessment and implementation of security measures, including the provision of bodyguards for MPs, should be entrusted to security services and law enforcement agencies.

What societal impact does Rishi Sunak emphasize in relation to security measures for MPs?

Sunak underscores the broader societal implications of ensuring the safety of public figures, emphasizing the importance of creating a secure environment for all individuals, especially future generations.

What measures does Rishi Sunak advocate for in promoting community safety and crime prevention?

Sunak advocates for increased police presence, equipping law enforcement with necessary powers, and implementing technologies like CCTV and improved street lighting to enhance community safety and prevent crime.


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