“Conversion Therapy Ban Push: Peers Lead Effort” – Who is spearheading the ban, and what caused the delays and U-turns?

Storm in the House of Lords: Long-awaited bill to ban conversion therapy finally up for debate, marking a significant step in fulfilling Theresa May's pledge from over five years ago.


Peers Push for Ban on Conversion Therapy

Renewed Efforts to Criminalize Harmful Practices

Peers are gearing up to make a fresh attempt to outlaw conversion therapy, proposing unlimited fines for individuals caught engaging in or offering such “treatments.” The Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill is set for its second reading in the House of Lords this Friday. This move comes more than five years after the initial pledge by former Prime Minister Theresa May to crack down on efforts to “cure” individuals of their sexuality or gender identity.

Government’s Stance and Recent Developments

Despite several setbacks and delays, the government reaffirmed its commitment to banning conversion therapy last January. However, the draft Conversion Therapy Bill was omitted from the King’s Speech in November, prompting concerns and objections from various quarters. Cabinet Office minister Alex Burghart emphasized worries about potential unintended consequences, such as inadvertently criminalizing parents or teachers, leading to delays in the bill’s progress.

Liberal Democrat’s Advocacy

Baroness Burt of Solihull, a Liberal Democrat peer who introduced the Private Members’ Bill, stressed the importance of fulfilling the long-overdue promise to the LGBT+ community. She emphasized that one’s sexuality or gender identity should not be viewed as a condition to be “cured,” condemning the persistence of such practices within the country. Baroness Burt has collaborated with lawmakers across party lines to advance the bill in the House of Lords, aiming to provide the community with the change they rightfully deserve.

Defining Conversion Therapy

The Bill put forth by Baroness Burt offers a clear definition of “conversion therapy” as any practice with the deliberate aim of altering an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Dr. Aidan Kelly, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender identity, highlighted the significance of acknowledging the harm inflicted by such practices. While recognizing that a ban cannot erase the trauma experienced by those subjected to conversion therapy, Dr. Kelly suggested that it could validate individuals’ identities and underscore that their essence is not a condition requiring “curing.”

Political Responses and Commitments

Labour leader Keir Starmer recently condemned conversion therapy as “psychologically damaging abuse” during an LGBT+ Labour event. He pledged to enforce a comprehensive ban inclusive of the transgender community if his party assumes power in the upcoming elections. Echoing this sentiment, a Government spokesperson emphasized the abhorrent nature of conversion therapy and expressed the need to address this issue diligently. The Government intends to subject the draft Bill to pre-legislative scrutiny to mitigate any unintended repercussions.

Closing Remark

As the debate on conversion therapy intensifies, the push for a legislative ban gains momentum, setting the stage for significant changes in how society views and treats issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. The pending discussions and decisions hold the potential to shape a more inclusive and accepting environment for all individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main objective of the Conversion Therapy Prohibition Bill?

The primary goal of the Conversion Therapy Prohibition Bill is to outlaw harmful attempts to change individuals’ sexuality or gender identity, with stringent penalties for those involved.

How has the government’s stance on conversion therapy evolved over time?

The government has experienced several shifts in its approach to conversion therapy, culminating in a renewed commitment to banning such practices, albeit amidst delays and controversies.

Why is it crucial to define “conversion therapy” explicitly?

Defining “conversion therapy” clearly is essential to delineate the unacceptable practices that seek to alter an individual’s inherent sexual orientation or gender identity.

What message does a ban on conversion therapy aim to convey?

A ban on conversion therapy serves to signal societal acknowledgment of the harm inflicted by such practices and reaffirm individuals’ intrinsic identities.

What is the significance of Dr. Aidan Kelly’s perspective on conversion therapy?

Dr. Aidan Kelly, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender identity, emphasizes the importance of recognizing the harm caused by conversion therapy and the validation a ban would offer to affected individuals.


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