“Moms Struggle: Calls to Boost Maternity Pay to Match Minimum Wage” Keyword: Maternity Pay Who are the struggling moms? How old are they? Where are they from?

With an alarming trend on the rise, mothers resort to extreme methods like brushing their teeth excessively to suppress hunger. Many are reported to sustain themselves solely on toast or scraps from their children's plates. This concerning behavior sheds light on the drastic measures some mothers take to prioritize their families over their own well-being.


Maternity Pay Advocates Call for Doubling of Payments to Alleviate Financial Hardships

Mothers Struggle to Make Ends Meet

Advocates are pushing the government to increase maternity pay significantly to align with the minimum wage, addressing the dire situation where mothers face the tough choice between basic necessities like food and heating their homes.

Research Highlights Mothers’ Sacrifices

Research conducted by Unison and Maternity Action revealed distressing accounts of mothers resorting to extreme measures to cope with financial strains. From skipping meals to enduring cold temperatures by adjusting thermostats, mothers are grappling with health repercussions and anxiety about their newborns’ well-being.

Health Risks and Financial Burdens

The study emphasized the health risks associated with such financial strains, citing cases where mothers developed anemia due to insufficient meals and faced mental health challenges post-pregnancy. It underscored the importance of adequate support for pregnant women and new mothers to lead healthy lives.

Calls for Government Intervention

Advocates and union representatives are urging the government to raise statutory maternity pay to £364.70 per week, aiming to prevent new mothers from prematurely returning to work due to financial constraints. They argue that the current payment of £172.48 falls short of providing necessary financial stability.

Impact on Maternal Well-being

Amid escalating living costs, many mothers find themselves in a precarious position, with some even forgoing meals or opting for less nutritious food out of financial worries. The pressure to balance work and family responsibilities highlights the urgent need for increased support for mothers.

Government Response and Future Plans

In response to these concerns, a government spokesperson acknowledged the need for adequate financial support for new mothers and highlighted recent increases in Statutory Maternity Pay and Maternity Allowance. Plans are underway to raise these payments further, demonstrating a commitment to improving the financial welfare of families.


1. What did the research by Unison and Maternity Action reveal?
The research unveiled the significant challenges mothers face, including skipping meals, adjusting heating settings, and experiencing health issues due to financial strains.

2. Why are advocates calling for an increase in maternity pay?
Advocates aim to alleviate financial hardships for mothers, ensuring they can afford basic necessities without compromising their well-being.

3. What are the health risks associated with inadequate maternity pay?
The study highlighted risks such as anemia, mental health conditions, and post-natal depression resulting from financial pressures on mothers.

4. How does the current statutory maternity pay compare to advocates’ proposed raise?
Advocates propose more than doubling the current payment to align with the national minimum wage, providing mothers with increased financial stability during maternity leave.

5. What measures are being taken to support new mothers by the government?
The government has increased Statutory Maternity Pay and Maternity Allowance to offer greater financial assistance, with plans for further raises to better support families.


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